How to migrate wordpres website

How to migrate the WordPress site?

Migrating a WordPress site involves moving your website files, database, and domain name (if applicable) from one location to another. Here are the general steps to migrate a WordPress site:

  1. Backup your website files and database: You can use a plugin like UpdraftPlus or Duplicator Migration to back up your website files and database.
  2. Create a staging site: If possible, create a staging site where you can test the migration before making the changes to your live site.
  3. Transfer your website files: You can transfer your website files using an FTP client like FileZilla or through your website host’s control panel.
  4. Export your database: You can export your database using phpMyAdmin or a plugin like WP Migrate DB.
  5. Import your database: On your new host, create a new database and import the exported database using phpMyAdmin or a plugin like WP Migrate DB.
  6. Update the wp-config.php file: Update the wp-config.php file on your new host with the new database information.
  7. Update the URLs in the database: If you’re changing your domain name, you’ll need to update the URLs in the database to reflect the new domain name. You can use a plugin like Velvet Blues Update URLs to do this.
  8. Update your DNS: If you’re changing your domain name, you’ll need to update your DNS settings to point to your new host.
  9. Test your site: Test your site to ensure everything is working correctly and all links are working as expected.

It’s important to be careful when migrating a site as even small mistakes can cause your site to break or lose data. It’s always a good idea to consult with a professional if you’re not comfortable with these steps.


✅NOTE: If you need a WordPress expert to migrate your website, contact us.

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